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股票学习 2022年06月27日 11:58 2 touzi333
英语 专业八级 词汇学习阅读
pinpoint, plank
pinpoint /ˈpɪnˌpɔɪnt/
1.show the location of…by a pin 指示(以针尖)
2.locate or define precisely 精确地定位,精确地说明
plank /plæŋk/
N. A plank is a long, flat, rectangular piece of wood. 长方形木板
It was very strong, made of three solid planks of wood.它非常结实,是用三块厚木板做成的。
V. to cover or provide (an area) with planks 在···上铺板; 给···上板
planking /ˈplæŋkɪŋ/
1.the act of laying planks 铺地板
2. a series of planks or planks of a structure (集合名词)板材,地板
The Kyrenia Ship 凯里尼亚沉船(3)
Of five bronze coins found, none dated earlier than 306 B.C. Carbon-14 analysis of the almond cargo pinpointed their date at about 288 B.C., but that of the ship's planking suggested an earlier date of 370 B.C. Thus the Kyrenia ship was more than 80 years old the day she sank -- a long life for a wooden hull and proof of the good craftsmanship of her builder. 在所发现的 5 枚铜币中,没有一枚的日期早于公元前306年。用碳14分析法对船中杏仁的分析精确地表明它们的年代在公元前288年前后,而对船木的分析则表明其年代要更早些,即伐于公元前370年。因此,这艘凯里尼亚船在沉没的时候已有80多岁了--这对一艘木船来说已经是长寿的了,同时也是造船师们技术高超的见证。
Raising the delicate timbers of the ship presented grave problems. The archaeologists decided that trying to lift them out in one piece would be too risky. Instead the hull was cut into sections on the site by an electric underwater saw. Then each carefully labelled piece was raised to the surface by a lifting balloon. Once out in the air again, each timber section was treated with a preservative called polyethylene glycol. This replaces the water in the weakened wood so that the timbers do not disintegrate when they dry. 在起吊容易损坏的船木时,出现了严重的问题。考古学家们断定:设法把它们整个儿吊出水面太冒险了。人们改用水下电锯就地把船身锯成数段,然后用起重汽球把仔细地作过标记的各段船木升到水面。一旦重新出水,每一段船木都要用一种叫做聚乙二醇的防腐剂来处理。它取代了已经变得不结实的木头中的水,以致船木在干燥时不会粉碎。

标签: was planks 船木


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